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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 11-16,20, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-606777


Objective T o explore the m etabolic characteristics of lethal bradycardia induced by m yocardial ischem ia in rat's serum . Methods A rat m yocardial ischem ia-bradycardia-sudden cardiac death (M I-B-SC D ) m odel w as established, w hich w as com pared w ith the sham-operation group. T he m etabolic pro-file of postm ortem serum w as analyzed by gas chrom atography-m ass spectrom etry (G C-M S ), coupled w ith the analysis of serum m etabolic characteristics using m etabolom ics strategies. Results T he serum m etabolic profiles w ere significantly different betw een the M I-B-SC D rats and the control rats. C om pared to the control rats, the M I-B-SC D rats had significantly higher levels of lysine, ornithine, purine, serine, alanine, urea and lactic acid; and significantly low er levels of succinate, hexadecanoic acid, 2-ketoadipic acid, glyceraldehyde, hexendioic acid and octanedioic acid in the serum . T here w ere som e correlations am ong different m etabolites. Conclusion T here is obvious m etabolic alterations in the serum of M I-B-SC D rat. B oth lysine and purine have a high value in diagnosing M I-B-SC D . T he results are expected to provide references for forensic and clinical applications of prevention and control of sudden cardiac death.